Specific prayers

Holy Spirit, deliver us from the temptation of goodness that seeks the spectacle, not the invisible helping hand. Holy Spirit, help us to rediscover the beauty of the ordinary, so that our smiles may be embraces of peace and our gestures gifts of joy. Holy Spirit, help us to open the doors of our homes, to share the celebration of our lives even in the toils of everyday life.

Prayer of unity with the Lord

My beloved Jesus!

May our feet walk together,

our hands together to gather,

Let our hearts beat together,

Let our hearts feel together,

Let our minds be one, our ears listen together to the silence,

our eyes to look into each other’s eyes and our eyes to meet,

our lips together pleading to the Eternal Father for mercy! Amen.

Let us pray for our fellow human beings in difficulty around us. Bring them to Jesus and ask for his mercy on them. Ask for strength and guidance on what we can do for them ourselves.

Let us pray for the weary, disheartened and dwindling members of our communities, that they may be opened again to the joy of Jesus and become enthusiastic witnesses of his love.

Pray for the Blessed Sacrament volunteers who give up their free time so that we can celebrate. May they, together with all the staff, be able to open themselves to God and to the love of one another, and thus become a community that witnesses to God’s love by its very existence.