Meeting with Mayors

Archbishop Dr. György Udvardy and his colleagues invited the mayors of municipalities connected to the life of Bódi Mária Magdolna to a personal discussion at the Archdiocese.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the preparations for the beatification of Bódi Mária Magdolna, the beatification itself, and the possibilities for future cooperation.

Archbishop Udvardy welcomed the attendees and shared some thoughts and information about the beatification. He emphasized that Magdi strived for holiness, and this should also be our goal.

Following this, Fr. Dávid Kulcsár, chaplain of St. Michael’s Cathedral, spoke about Magdi’s life and virtues. He explained that Magdi’s living conditions were far from ideal. She lived between the two world wars in difficult material and moral circumstances. Many of the challenges she faced are still relevant today. In modern terms, Magdi was a young person in a multiply disadvantaged situation. Despite this, she remained cheerful and enthusiastic, thanks to her deep relationship and friendship with Christ.

Enikő Loószné Dömötör, head of the office, highlighted that alongside Magdi, the memory of Cardinal József Mindszenty is also being honored during two thematic years (2024-2025). Cardinal Mindszenty played a crucial role in making Magdi’s beatification possible today.

The beatification will be a two-day event, beginning on the evening of Friday, April 25, 2025, with a youth gathering and vigil. The beatification ceremony itself will take place on April 26, 2025.

In the second half of the meeting, participants shared ideas and opportunities they consider feasible both for the beatification event and beyond. These include volunteering at the event, providing accommodation options, organizing pilgrimages, and installing memorial plaques, among others.

The participants deemed the consultation successful and expressed confidence in long-term cooperation.