Spiritual preparation


With our Christian hope, we build our lives on God's promises. We are journeying toward the fulfillment of life, and this goal shapes how we live in the joys, challenges, and sufferings of the present moment. Magdi understood that her friendship with Christ was not limited to the few years of her earthly life but would last forever. This eternal goal guided her in everyday life, during the beautiful moments of celebration, and even in the darkest hours. More

Love of nature

Magdi spent her life in the Balaton Highlands, where she naturally opened up to the love of the created world. She regularly marveled at the Balaton landscape, contemplated its beauty and recognized the greatness of the Creator in it. He allowed himself to be impressed by the nature before his eyes, to be fascinated by it, to be filled with new strength, peace and joy. In preparation for his beatification, we want to learn to see - the beauty of God in the created world around us. More