
For Children

Listen to others, who needs what. There are many moments when we can’t help directly, but sometimes a simple step towards the other person can make a difference. Look for opportunities to do something good for your fellow human beings!

Look for opportunities to meet your grandparents, the elderly people around you. Your grandparents or other elderly people will surely enjoy hearing their old stories. Think about what you have received or learnt from your grandparents or the elderly people around you (whether it’s just a compliment, a wise thought, a shared experience, or just a bowl of cake). If you can, thank them or give thanks in a prayer.

For Young People

Choose one person a week to please. Pray for them and seek to find real joy either by visiting and talking to them or by actively helping them. Trust your ideas, be creative.

For Families

Magdi has brought God’s presence into her environment, even into her workplace. She did this through her words and actions. During the holidays it is very good to share our joy and celebration with others. Find someone in your environment you can help as a family. Whether it’s a visit, shopping, tidying up your surroundings.

For Seniors

What a joy when you can still do something! Ask Jesus for help with your daily tasks. Don’t be annoyed if something is slow or doesn’t work at all. Do as much as you can, but do it with Jesus. Such activity always bears heavenly fruit. And when you need the help of others, open yourself to them (this may be the hardest thing to do). Now is an opportunity to have someone to help, someone to sacrifice for. In the difficulty of this, Jesus is closer to you than you think. But he has identified himself with those for whom something good is done. Give thanks for his nearness, give thanks for the nearness of those who are there to help you – even if they don’t do everything the way you want them to.