Description of Prayer Methods

The post-holiday season invites us to brighten up our grey weekdays with the gift of celebration. This is only possible through the power of God, and Magdi was able to bring joy and love to the darkest moments through prayer. To pray for love, we suggest the following steps:

I place myself in the presence of God (see above).

I reflect on the greatest challenge of the time ahead, where I can bring love. It is good to ask the Holy Spirit for help with this, as He may show a different challenge than the one we first think of.

I thank Christ that he will be with me in moments of challenge with his love, and I ask him to strengthen me, to love me through him.

I thank Christ that I can count on Him to be with me – whether I get the obstacles right or not. I thank him for leading all participants to the fullness of life.

In addition, a prayer can help us in our daily lives, to place ourselves in the presence of God in our work and other activities.

Even in our everyday life, Christ feeds us with the bread of life, with his own Body. After the many solemn Masses, it is good to attend an ordinary Mass and to find the source that springs from here.